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What's not to like about a Cancer?DEFINITION CANCER The Beauty June 21 to July 22 MOST AMAZING KISSER I agree that I am3 hrs was my longest. Very high appeal beauty is in the eye.... A Cancer's love is one of a kind yes, most definitely... Very romantic I like the same in a man. Most caring person you will ever meet in your life that is true. Entirely creative person, most are artists and insane not me. They perfected sex and do it often if you're the right guy, of course. Extremely random ??. An ultimate freak i don't know about that. Extremely funny and is usually the life of the party I have good oneliners I am very witty. Most Cancers will take you under their wing and into their hearts where you will remain forever true nurturers. Cancers make love with a passion beyond compare that's right!. Spontaneous not me, I'm a planner. Not a fighter don't like confrontation, but will kick your azz good if it comes down to it pow!. Someone you should hold on to OR 12 years of bad luck if you don't! Me 5'5 short, slim, pretty, smart, adventurous, creative, curious and a Tigress! YOU 5'10, between 47 to 62 yrs no younger guys please White or ABC is my preference have hair on top, good personality, fun spirited, not a couch potato/enjoy getting out on the weekend. If you're still reading and wanna take a chance..... you know what to do.... p.s. NOT into fwb/nsa, marrieds, or flings. No nude pics please, i don't need to see your short comings! I am seeking friendship first hopefully it would evolve into a longterm relationship if that's not what you're looking for, please don't reply. Thanks for reading!
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