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Not one kissed my lips today.......were you kissed?Not one held my hand during the movie.......did someone hold your hand?Not one greeted me with a hug when I came home......were you hugged today?Not one asked me how my day went.....how was your day? did anyone care?Not one reached for me during the night......is your bed always empty?Not one called and checked if I was OK.....did your phone ring today?Not one witnessed the tears of loneliness......does it ever make you cry?Not one stood up for me when I needed it......do you miss someone at your side?Not one cared if I woke up one day older......do you miss someone caring if you live or die?Not one took my hand and asked me to dance......is life fun without a partner?Not one laughed out loud at my joke..........doesn't it feel good to make someone laugh?I'm sitting at my computer writing this......and you're sitting at yours reading this........ What's wrong with this picture?Isn't there one person out there who wants to love and be loved?I don't have a hot body, true....but I have a kind heart and would love to share some of my life with someone.Where are you?PLEASE BE 25, single, and geographically desirable.Please include a photo with your reply.
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