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I love blue eyes, but of course that is not the most important. I can write a list but it will probably go out the window if I am attracted to the person who may not have everything. However, there are a few basics that I am looking for Someone under 20, tallish, intelligent, responsible, caring and yes blue eyes. I am open to dating a singleparent. I dated one for the fist time a while ago and found the father side to be quite attractive. I myself have never been married and do not have kids.I was born in Southeast Asia but have been here most of my life. I am 5'4quot, attractive, educated, employed, and have longish hair. I have to say that I do not have a clear goal as far as relationship, but have a life goal that may interfere with one down the road. All I know is for now I am looking for a friend, companion, lover to enjoy the simple things in life nature, dining, culture, being together...Life is short. Lets connect. I would appreciate a picture or two.
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